Become a House League Match Official

The Ontario Soccer Association offers two courses to those looking to become registered match officials in Ontario: Small Sided Match Official clinics and Entry Level Match Official clinics. Match Official courses are usually offered in the spring before the start of the outdoor season.

Find a match official course – Ref Centre Course Management   (use District = ECOSA)

May 1, 2020 | Bulletin #: I2020-044: Student User Guide for Online Match Official Accreditation Clinics

Student Guide Clinics 2021 for new referees

Once you have taken a referee course (new referees) or completed your annual registration (returning referees) you need to:


Register as a Match Official with the Northumberland Soccer Club
Please go to then once logged in click on the “Volunteer Now!” tab then click on the Match Official Application tab from the scroll down. Then find your name and under it should be a line stating, “2021 Outdoor Game Official Application”. Click on the “Apply Now” button to the right and complete the application. Please ensure to add in what level of referee you are (small sided, entry level or both).

If you have any questions please contact


Sided Game Course
(Must be 12 years of age (or older) as of March 31 to enroll in this course)

The Small Sided Game Course is for those who would like to become an accredited Match Official on 7 v 7 games. By taking the course a Match Official is automatically registered for the current season with the OSA and does not have to register again until the following year. Course accreditation is valid permanently, no re-accreditation on Small Sided Game (7 v 7) is required.

The Small Sided Course is based on the Laws of the Small Sided Game.

You must register through the Ref Centre Course Management website.


Entry Level Match Official Clinic
(Must be 14 years of age (or older) as of March 31 to enroll in this course)

The Entry Level Match Official Clinic is for those who would like to become an accredited Match Official on 9 v 9 and 11 v 11 games. By taking the clinic a match official is automatically registered for the current season with the OSA and does not have to register again until the following year.

Difference between 9v9 and 11v11

You must register through the Ref Centre Course Management website.


Returning Match Officials
Registration fees remain the same amount as last year’s fees. Please review the process below on how to register:

  1. Log In to Ref Centre
  2. Under the Registration tab on the home page, select “register now” from the drop down.
  3. Complete the 2020 Registration Exam.
  4. Once the exam is completed, you will be re-directed to a new page to input your Respect in Sport certification code.
  5. Once entered, you will be prompted to the payment page. Payments can be processed via credit card or cheque. (Please note: our system does not take Visa-Debit cards. Additionally, if you select the ‘Pay by Cheque’ option, your registration will only be approved once your cheque arrives and is processed at the Ontario Soccer office).

There are two courses that you can take – each one allows you to referee a specific age:


Small Sided Course
Allows you to referee players from U6 to U10 as they play a modified game with specific rules different from older players


Entry Level Course
Allows you to referee players from U11 and up including adults

If you are under 14 you can only take the Small Sided Course but if you are over 14 by April 1st each year we advise you to take both courses as this will allow you to referee all age brackets giving you a better chance to referee quite a few games per week.


Why Become a Soccer Referee?
If you’re on this page, you’ve at least considered the idea of putting on the jersey, badge, and whistle and taking charge of a game.  Refereeing can be an enjoyable and fun experience, and a great way to stay involved in the beautiful game of soccer.  Read on for some of the great benefits of being a Referee!


Refereeing a soccer game is good exercise.  You can be outside and run around, enjoy exciting games, and make a few dollars.  It can keep you in shape for your own sports, help you lose weight, or just have some fun.


The Players
The game needs referees.  Referees are there to make sure the game is fair, fun, and safe.  You are doing a service to the community and to the players, coaches, and fans.


Life is full of challenges and being a referee is a perfect way to learn how to meet them head-on and know that you can handle them.  Soccer is an emotional game.  Players get excited.  Fans get excited.  Coaches get excited.  Learning how to cope with their emotions while keeping yours in check will serve you well throughout your life.  Other challenges are pushing yourself to learn more, run longer and faster, and work better with your partners.


There are not too many things that a young person can do that pays as well as being a soccer referee.  You can work a few hours and make some pretty good money.  As you improve and work higher level games, the money improves.  The hourly rate is higher than working at a fast-food restaurant and you can work outside.