Northumberland Soccer Club Bingo’s and Volunteer Information
Any member of the Northumberland Soccer Club is eligible to sign up and volunteer for any of the following bingo’s operated by the club.
When you sign up to help operate a bingo for your first time you can only be a Bingo Runner. This person helps to count the bingo sheets and then helps to sell these sheets to the bingo participants. Once the bingo begins your main role is to wipe down counters and plexiglass then count leftover bingo sheets.
Once you have been to a few bingos as a Bingo Runner you have the option of becoming a Bingo Cashier. At the beginning of the bingo a cashier still counts and then sells bingo sheets but as a larger role to fill once the bingo starts. The cashier hands out the winnings to the Bingo Hall staff after each bingo game and records this information for the Bingo Banker to use.
If you want to move up to the next position as Bingo Banker you earn $60 per bingo towards your fees. The banker is in charge of all the other volunteers and must complete an income statement for each bingo. You must be comfortable managing a small group and completed several bingos in the other roles before you can be trained to become a banker.
Each member will receive a $50.00 credit to their soccer account to help decrease the cost of any of our outdoor or indoor programs. To sign up please email Heather Junkin, Club Bingo Co-Ordinator, at