October 2024

1. Team Size – A game is played with six (6) players, one being the goalie, on the floor at a time. Exception to that is for U11, they play with seven (7) players. When a team has less than five (5) player’s the game is a forfeit (other team automatically wins). A friendly game will then be played, and players will be shared so that each team has the same number of players. Prior to a game starting if one team has enough players to start but no subs coaches must lend players to the team that is short so that both teams have approx. the same number of subs.

2. Goalkeepers – players may rotate through as a goalkeeper. If no one volunteers to be the goalkeeper, coaches must then decide who will be the goalkeeper.

3. Players and Other Positions – every player must have the opportunity to play the same amount of time on the turf as every other player. This is a mixed indoor league so there must always be a mix of boys and girls on the turf at the same time. Players must be given the opportunity to also play all positions whether that be as a defending or attacking player.

4. Playing Area – The full length and width of the turf floor is to be the size of the playing area. The walls may be used to rebound the ball. The referee will stop the game if the ball comes into contact with a non-player or a non-playing surface (i.e., roof, player on the bench, etc.) If the ball touches any of the taped perimeter surrounding the goals, then it is an automatic goal kick. This rule is to protect the keeper from a ball hitting the vertical wall directly surrounding the net and bouncing back hitting the goalie while their head may be turned the opposite direction.

5. Slide tackles – Not allowed by players. No players may go to ground to play the ball other than the goalie when defending the net but the keeper must be inside their crease to do this.

6. Goals – will be capped at 4 goals per player each game. This does apply to the adults.

7. Kick Off – A kick will start the play of each period and after each goal. The ball may be passed in any direction. A goal may not be scored on the kickoff, or the kick will be taken over. Players must be on their own side of the center at the time of the kickoff. The defending team must be at least two meters from the ball.

8. Length of Games – Two twenty-five minute halves with a five-minute rest break. If the game starts late the game will be shortened to ensure that the following game starts on time.

9. Goal Area – The goalie is allowed to pick the ball up anywhere inside the arc (area defined by yellow line painted on the turf by nets). The ball must be wholly in the arc. Goalie may not pick up a ball outside the arc. Attacking players have no goal area restrictions and may go right up to the goal line to score. After picking up the ball the goalie may throw the ball or put it on the ground and kick it. No drop kicks allowed. The goalie may not pick up a ball deliberately passed back to them from a team-mate. Any infraction will result in an indirect free kick to the opposing team.

10. Free Kicks – All free kicks shall be indirect, except for deliberate hand balls or tripping within the arc (see Penalty Kicks). An indirect kick MUST be passed directly to a player and not touch the boards or glass first. On an indirect free kick, a goal cannot be scored unless the ball is passed to a teammate before scoring. A direct shot on net, even if the goalie or other defender touches the ball shall not be counted as a goal. At the time of an indirect free kick, all opposing players must be a minimum of two meters from the ball. Defenders may line up on their own goal line at the taking of a free kick.

11. Penalty Kicks – A deliberate hand ball or a foul within the arc will result in a Penalty Kick. The Penalty Kick will be taken from the penalty mark which is 11 meters from the net. All players, except the shooter, must be behind the yellow painted arc line. The shooter may only touch the ball once. Ball is live once the shot has been taken unless it hits the taped area surrounding the net – then it is a goal kick.

12. Offside – There is no offside.

13. Drop Ball – Drop balls are now a 1 player restart given to the team that last touched the ball prior to stoppage in play. Stoppage in play that restarts with a drop ball is: referee stopping play due to an injured player or for the safety of a player who has fallen during play and the referee is fearful; they will be kicked by players surrounding them.

14. Out of Play – When the ball has gone out of play, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team, at the point where the ball exited the playing area.

15. Substitutions – All players must receive equal playing time. Any infringement of this should be reported to the Northumberland Soccer Office who will then instruct the coach accordingly. This is a fun house league. No player may be goalie for more than half the game. Substitutions, including the goalie, may be made at any time. (The new goalie must have a pinnie on because there will be no stoppage for a change.) The players must come off the playing area before the substitutes may enter the playing area.

16. Equipment / Uniforms – Knee and elbow pads may be worn by the goalie. All players must wear shin pads. All players must wear indoor running shoes or court shoes (with non- marking soles).  No cleats or jewelry may be worn on the court. The league will provide each player with a shirt that must be worn for games. Shin guards must be covered by socks and players are to wear shorts or jogging pants. The goalie must wear a contrasting color shirt or pinnie. No tank tops allowed.

17. Behavior – Coaches are requested to keep their players, families, etc., under control from the time they enter the building, to the time they leave the building. Any children spectating must be  directly supervised by a parent/guardian and may not climb barriers around turf or be behind goal areas.

18. Fouls and Misconducts – An indirect free kick shall be awarded to the other team at the point of the infraction. At the discretion of the referee, a yellow card may be issued to any player who intentionally commits any foul. At the discretion of the referee, a red card may be issued to any player who exhibits violent conduct or serious foul play, uses foul or abusive language, or receives a second yellow card. The player receiving the ejection will be subject to discipline Team Parity, the objective is to have evenly matched teams in all divisions. Players may be reassigned to new teams in order to even up the division.